Thursday, September 30, 2010

HP Creative Camp

Welcome, HP Creative Camp participants who have found your way here. And thank you for all the positive feedback I got at camp, and in email afterwards. If you want to follow my music/microcontroller experiments add this bookmark:

I had the distinct pleasure of participating in HP Software's Creative Camp (modeled on Foo Camp) in Sep. 2010 at the Stanford Sierra Conference Center. I gave a hastily prepared talk on the work I've been doing with microcontrollers and music, gave a demo of my recently completed 3-dimensional trombone, and some weird stuff I've been doing around sonification (sorry, no public posts about that yet). I also "performed" at the big party event, making some sounds with my iPhone+TouchOSC and OSCUlator+Logic, accompanied by other Creative Camp musicians. It was a blast. A video summary of the event was made, and I'm at 4:51.

Oh, and the Silent Disco (everyone puts on wireless headphones) put on by DJ Motion Potion was pretty damn cool! Robbie gave a presentation earlier in the the day (also hastily prepared. according to Robbie, but way, *way* better than mine) about DJ technology and history. As a traditionally trained musician, I've always found DJ culture puzzling, but the way he framed the whole presentation around passion really spoke to me. Thanks, Robbie.

P.S. I looked over the comments from the camp, and someone commented that my session caused them to "rocket into ideation mode". That's exactly what happened to me when I attended the New Music Controllers Workshop at Stanford, and if I managed to trigger that in someone else's mind, that's pretty great. Thanks for sharing that!